Gina Mascord: Logbook
Take a look at the logbook and dive logs of diver degirl68. You can find a detailed description of each dive log by clicking 'view'.
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RSL Wall
Good viz and heaps of fish. BNB was freezing only 14C Buddy Steve
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Went looking for the Grey Nurse Sharks but got wrong directs and missed them. Found a Seal though :)
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Trench to Jetty
Chased by a huge cranky wobbie. Buddies Steve, Al and Greg
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Chug clean up Blind Sahrks, Fiddler Ray, pregnant Dwarf Ornate Wobbie. Buddy Steve
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Trench to Jetty
Could hear whales for half of the dive. Two huge Wobbies, one pregnant. Huge school of Kingfish. Huge school of Trevallys and Tailor
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PJ's are back in town. Fiddler Ray. Cuttlefish. Saw a WEEDFISH. Work from home dive... Buddies Steve and Al
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House Reef
Lissenung Island Last dive :(
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Lissenung Island Slow drift
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Helmut's Reef
Lissenung Island Fast current
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House Reef
Lissenung Island Western side
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House Reef
Lissenung Island Seahorse hunt
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B25 Stubborn Hellion
Lissenung Island
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Albatross Passage
Lissenung Island
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Albatross Passage
Lissenung Island Yay, finally
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Nozaki's Secret
Lissenung Issland Kavieng Harbour The Mandarin Fish hunt
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